What do I do if I have a complaint?

What To Do If You Have A Complaint

We always strive to do our best and provide the quality services you want to receive. However sometimes it doesn’t go to plan, and we don’t meet your expectations.

In the event you would like to make a complaint, we have a handy guide on how you can provide your feedback.

Speak to our staff or service manager

In the first instance, we recommend speaking to a Brightwater staff member or the service manager for your relevant service. They may be able to provide a resolution in a timely and immediate manner.

Provide feedback through our form

If you would like to provide your feedback in a written manner, click here to access our feedback form.

This form is also available in paper format, titled Compliments, complaints and general feedback and can be returned via post, given to a staff member or popped in the general feedback box at your Brightwater site. You can find our feedback form in the following locations:

  • Feedback forms are available on all Brightwater sites, just ask our admin team for their location.
  • A copy of the form is provided in Brightwater welcome packs when Brightwater at Home services commence. The form can be given to a coordinator to return to the office.

Give our customer experience team a call

We have a dedicated team who specialise in monitoring the experience of our clients. If you would like to know more about our feedback process, you can give them a call on 1300 223 968 or email customerexperience@brightwatergroup.com.

Access external support

If you would like extra assistance, or are unhappy with the response from Brightwater, you are able to access a range of external support services. Their contact information are:

The Perron Centre, Suite 4/61 Kitchener Avenue
Victoria Park WA 6100
T: 08 9479 7566

National Aged Care Advocacy
T: 1800 700 600

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
GPO Box 9819 (Your capital city and state)
T: 1800 951 822

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