What are private home care services?

What Are Private Home Care Services (2)

Private home care services means you pay for the services you receive, rather than paying through government funding.

You can access our whole range of home care services by paying privately, and this is often a good option if you want to receive some help at home straight away, or if you:

  • Are waiting for funding to be approved.
  • Want to top up with extra services that can’t be covered by your funding.
  • Are not eligible for government funding.
  • Need to access short-term services.

If you choose to access private home care, it is on a fee-paying basis. Much like when you book with any other medical professionals, you will pay for the service directly. Providers will send you an invoice at the end of each month, and you will be able to pay through your preferred payment method.

You don’t need to be assessed, and you don’t need to be 65.

What services can I access as a private client?

You can access the whole suite of services offered to Commonwealth Home Support Program or Home Care Package clients.

To discover all of the services available to you, click here.

What happens if I am then approved for government subsidised home care?

If you have been paying for private home care and receive approval for a Home Care Package or the Commonwealth Home Support Program, you can enquire with your provider about switching.

They will be able to support you in transitioning onto a government subsidised program and explain how the subsidies work. 

For more information on how much home care costs, and an explainer on the contributions, click here.

If you would like to being private home care, all you need to do is get in touch by giving us a call on 1300 223 968 or emailing welcome@brightwatergroup.com.

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