Sharing the love at The Village Shed

The Village Residential Aged Care Mens Shed 1

The Karrinyup Community Men's Shed and Bunning Warehouse Australia have teamed up to bring some life to "The Village Shed" space at Brightwater The Village, one of our residential aged care homes in Inglewood. This space will become a Brightwater Men's Shed.

Men's Shed Association promotes a positive lifestyle and strong community engagement by bringing men together at local Men's Sheds across the country.

Our new shed is looking fabulous, thanks to volunteers from Bunnings and the Karrinyup Men's Shed Association. About ten volunteers have recently lent their skills to give the shed a makeover. It will become a space for male residents to socialise, improve their wellbeing and learn new skills.

Thanks are extended to Bunnings Bayswater for donating staff time, landscaping supplies and painting materials.

We can't wait to share more about this exciting project!

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